Six months in the city, and I must say, I have been enjoying my time. Has Toronto been everything I thought it be? Maybe more than I expected. Let's take a dive into my thoughts living in YYZ.

Head in the clouds, got no weight on my shoulders
There were three main reasons why I wanted to move to Toronto: get a move up in my career, figure out what I want in a relationship, and experience living on my own (I do have a roommate, but that's not the focus). Six months in, I can say this so far on the following:
The opportunities are endless in the city. My current job has been a remote position, so I can say that it's been quite a unique experience. I have been on a contract job at the moment, and it seems like there is opportunity to move up. Seems like my career can go in multiple directions, mostly due to the amount of positions available in the city. While it may be early to say what is my next move, I have a feeling that I like what I see, and I can vision myself heading places I never thought I'd be.
Concrete Jungle, let's see whether my dreams can be made here
Man oh man... So many men, so little time. Based on the past six months, there are four types of men that I can classify:
1. Shy Boy
Probably the sweetest of the men, they put in the effort getting to know you. Starting off coy, all they need is a little encouragement to get them going. Once you start off the conversation, they can continue to talk. To me, they're very modest men, and easy to get along. Perhaps it's early to say, but I feel like this is the man for me.
2. Job Obsessed
These men tend to be older, and love to talk about - well, themselves. For most part, I enjoy listening to their career journey and wisdom they provide. However, it seems like their job is the only thing they can talk about. Rarely does the Job Obsessed man ever ask questions about you; consider yourself lucky if you manage to get a full sentence out. I wouldn't rule these men out, I might become one of them soon!
3. "Brian"
I went out with this man who had a little too much energy, and I was exhausted simply by being around him. We went out for a walk, and midway through, he asked, "Your name is Brian, right?" Unfortunately, this was not a one-off instance. Although interested, "Brian" is after one thing, and honestly, he is not worth your time...
4. No Fish
Perhaps this is an Ontario thing, but I have not met so many men who were not into seafood. For some men, it's an allergy, but for others, it's a preference. I met a man who would not eat anything that touches the water (that would include ducks and frogs). There is nothing wrong with this man, but something I thought I'd point out if you ever decide to start dating in Toronto: you will encounter these people a bit too often. For what it's worth, the No Fish man doesn't seem to be bothered if you eat seafood in front of them, so it's not too bad. If anything, more seafood for you.
To be clear, I have been making most of my friends through online dating apps - it may be a weird concept, but it's been working for me so far. Most of my fond memories of Toronto have been shared with friends, which make the journey much more enjoyable. I think that's the one thing that I enjoy about Toronto: how outgoing the people are - but maybe this will all change as we approach the winter seasons (then we'll see who still wants to be friends).
It's been quite an eventful summer, the least to say
I can definitely say that I do enjoy being on my own. Not sure how to explain it, but there's something about having your own space that is comforting. Sure, there are times when it can be lonely, but it's also satisfying to be on your own, doing all of the adult things - is it weird to say that I enjoy doing house chores? Perhaps it's all of the content I've been consuming from social media.

I only eat noodles on days that end with a 'y'
It's been exciting to experience a city with so many opportunities, especially when the decisions are mine. Although I enjoy living on my own (rough patches included), I feel that I will most likely move back in a few years. I want to get my career going in the city, see where it takes me, and then settle down closer to family... Perhaps Los Angeles, or Seattle? Watch me move right beside my parent's house, if anything! After all, there's no place like (close to) home.
Toronto, U Are One unique city