All I got to say is that consumerism got the best of me. Rina Sawayama said it best: "And the price we paid is unbelievable, and I'm taking in as much as I can hold." Let's see how much XS I racked up this year.

27 bills present in this photo, but I saved a total of $1,450. Now, about the year's expenses...
As we entered 2020, I was just like everyone else: excited for the new decade and anticipating change... Well, we absolutely got that, but in the most unexpected way. From tasty meals to TikTok influence, I bought a few things, to say the least. Let's check out the numbers:
January (51): $2,657.35
February (46): $1,631.07
March (41): $3,014.25
April (34): $1,960.21
May (26): $1,838.30
June (27): $1,816.36
July (29): $1,857.12
August (21): $1,683.48
September (37): $1,668.68
October (38): $1,492.52
November (46): $2,197.50
December (50): $1,658.74
This year saw a decrease in the number of purchases, with a total of 446 throughout 2020... you'd think fewer temptations would mean fewer opportunities to splurge? Tell that to my high-end taste. While I did spend less, it felt like I didn't save any money (got to love investments, right?) So, the sum up the year, I spent this much:
Total: $23,475.58
The total costs of my 2020 went down compared to 2019, but it definitely brought up more stress. Looking back at some of my purchases, I question why I even made some of them... Anyway, let's break it down into sections.
Distances: $2,402.35
Gas - $1,091.97 (20 purchases)
Parking - $841.85 (73 purchases)
Travel - $468.53 (9 purchases)
To be clear, "Travel" was limited to reloading my transit pass, as well as changing my engine oil (twice!) Since vacations were not an option in 2020, I am not surprised to see this category significantly decrease compared to 2019. I am glad that I managed to save money in one department if any!
Gastronomy: $3,633.10
Dinner - $1,136.91 (35 purchases)
Groceries - $1,108.83 (52 purchases)
Lunch - $728.83 (39 purchases)
Drinks - $271.97 (28 purchases)
Snacks - $210.64 (14 purchases)
Dessert - $143.92 (7 purchases)
Breakfast - $32.00 (1 purchase)
While still up there, "Dinner" was mostly for the nights I would buy my own meals while at work - I got lazy with meal prep in 2020. I limited the number of times I spent outside with my friends, which mostly explains the decrease in just about every category. The only similar price point to last year was "Groceries," especially for my off days spent in the kitchen. "Snacks" purchases went down, reorganizing "Drinks" to include Alcohol, Bubble Tea, and Starbucks - otherwise, a pretty solid decrease.
Lifestyle: $11,630.25
Other Expenses - $7,845.95 (46 purchases)
Phone - $2,308.63 (12 purchases)
Activity - $738.49 (11 purchases)
Entertainment - $737.18 (10 purchases)
Simply put, I was worried about income. I attempted to try investing in cryptocurrency, but it seems like the returns are *slowly* coming back. The biggest purchases in "Other Expenses" have to be the cash loan I took, which I am still paying back - not to worry, I will be fine. Visits to the Dentist and Chiropractor were also included in "Other Expenses," making it one pricey expense.
I included "Phone" for 2020, as I became responsible for the monthly bills. I started to pay for the phone bill back in 2019 after I went on my first vacation in the states... Got to love Canadian phone plans. I should shop for a cheaper plan, especially when I don't even use 1GB of data in a month.
At the beginning of the year, I had a personal trainer - by the end of the year, I gained 20 pounds. I didn't feel comfortable going into a gym throughout the pandemic, so I have been adapting to working out from home. Similar to "Activity," I had to keep myself entertained, purchasing four albums, streaming a lot of content, as well as taking an online modelling camp in "Entertainment;" definitely some fun times.
I am not proud of some of the choices I made in this category, but I look forward to turning things around to pay off that debt.
Presents: $3,283.26
General - $2,677.56 (53 purchases)
Gifts - $598.70 (15 purchases)
Lottery - $7.00 (2 purchases)
There were a lot of "General" purchases I made - most of them unnecessary. Needless to say, I went out for the holidays, giving me some decoration duties throughout the pandemic. Gaining a lot of interest specifically in Skin Care, I might have to make another category for 2021 (I haven't bought any as of typing this post!) Nonetheless, I am genuinely interested in Skin Care, but I'll be more conscious of my purchases.
"Gifts," or Flowers? The majority of the purchases I made in "Gifts" went to flowers, with the remainder going to the Birthdays before the pandemic and Christmas. Again, it's more about the thought than the price - it's fun to celebrate (but probably should stick to a budget). As for "Lottery," I don't even think those tickets were for myself! Maybe I'll buy some tickets and see what luck draws in for me this year...
Appearance: $2,526.62
Clothes - $2,062.68 (10 purchases)
Hair - $463.94 (9 purchases)
Of all the "Clothes" I purchased, one item cost more than the rest combined. My alibi? I was thinking about this shirt since it was sold-out in 2019. So when I saw the shirt came back, I knew I had to get it! Although appropriate for the summer season, I'm sure it'll be the last high-end item that I'll purchase - at least, for now.
As for my "Hair," it went through a series of changes (The TikTok showcases a few looks I had done from January through August). Once I donated my hair, I began to experiment with some short looks. I coloured my hair from February until September, only to shave it all off by the end of the year... What can I say, I like to see how many looks I can pull off!

Long live the William Lyon Mackenzie King bill
When I look back at 2020, I will think about my spending habits. While some purchases are an investment (such as this blog), others are in question (such as cryptocurrency). Money comes and goes, but it's also important to understand its value. What I found most interesting about this year's post was the amount of money that goes into a loan - I would advise you to never get one!
Who knows what will come in 2021, whether it's a new car or a new city, what new expenses will come my way - but I have to got to get myself together. This year, I am going to reflect on the mistakes I made as I prepare myself for the scariest adventure: my thirties. Well, let's start off the next decade right!

29 bills for 29 years